Preparing for an Inspection

empty kennels.jpeg

The MDAR is not required to provide notice and can show up at any time during normal business hours. Upon arrival,

inspectors can ask to see records going back 2 years.

Inspection hot spots

  • OCVIs - no white out, information complete and correct (see OCVI)

  • Health Certificate - examination timing must take place after 48 hours and animals must not be released until that point

  • Facilities are clean and have proper disinfection protocols

  • Floors are impervious (β€œThe characteristics of a nonporous, impermeable surface through which a liquid will not be allowed to pass, but upon which water will bead.”) - no cracked tiles

  • Walls are impervious - no unpainted areas or peeling paint

  • Equipment is in good condition - no rust or mold